This anniversary issue of C21 Resources magazine, “The Church in the 21st Century Center - 20 Years,” is a celebration that takes both a look back and forward at the C21 Center's work and mission. Unique to this issue is information on the many programs and resources developed by the Center that are available to parishes, schools, and individuals everywhere - all complimentary and accessible online. 

Additionally, this issue contains a selection of articles (newly commissioned, recently published, and rediscovered from previous C21 Resources magazines) that address topics relevant to the key challenges facing the Church today. Our hope is that readers will engage with and share this information far and wide. Please contact us at for further information.

Information Referenced in This Issue

A timeline with various men and women speaking

The Church in the 21st Century Center Highlights (pages 2-3):

The C21 Center Timeline


C21 Highlights

Measuring Parish Vitality (pages 4-5):

Chart provided by Catholic Leadership Institute

Catholic Leadership Institute Website

Photo Credits (from left to right): Catholic Leadership Institute; St. Ignatius Loyola New York Parish; Yiting Chen, Boston College; Catholic Leadership Institute

St. Ignatius Church with parishioners singing

Dear Future Church (pages 6-7):

Student Voices Project

Mass & Mingle Program

Three young women sitting on the grass in discussion

Share Your Faith Stories (pages 8-9):

Agape Latte Program

Faith Feeds Program

A group of Boston College undergrads smiling and waving together

Young People: Temples of the Holy Spirit (pages 10-11):

Ever to Excel Program

People singing in a church

Living Catholicism: A Church in Need of Its People (pages 18-19):

C21 Resources - Living Catholicism: Roles and Relationships for a Contemporary World

Videos featuring Fr. Michael Himes

"The Gift of Education and the Intellect" - Fr. Michael Himes (PDF from p. 38)

Fr. Michael J. Himes (1947–2022) was a diocesan priest from Brooklyn, New York, a distinguished theologian, and a faculty member at Boston College for almost three decades. His life and work continue to inspire countless students, colleagues, and people across the world. We hope to honor his legacy by sharing his words of wisdom through not only his writing, but also his recorded conversations with the Boston College community. 

Lanterns sitting together at night

Lighting the Way (pages 20-21): 

Joan Chittister's Website

A group of people walking together with the title, "Synod 2021 2024 / For a Synodal Church / Communion / Participation / Mission

The Synod: A Transformative Process (pages 24): 

The Vatican's Synod Website

BC STM Online Free Course Series on Synodality

Pope Francis blessing two children with their parents

The Joy of Love (page 26-27): 

Original Article by Gerard O'Connell

Over 200,000

Free Faith Feeds Guides downloaded

1.1 Million Views

Of C21's video resources on YouTube

Over 4,000

High School and College students surveyed for the Student Voices Project